Hello, gorgeous!
We are super stoked to be able to relaunch our website a few days ago, well within Pride month. As a firm believer and supporter of individuality, we cannot express enough about how blessed we are to be in this business, helping others in their pursuit of confidence, motivation and signature styles.
As we delve deeper into the topic of individuality, we simply cannot ignore one of the most and commonly marginalised groups of people, the LGBT(Q) community. In this modern age of technology, intelligence and a more “receptive surrounding”, taboo still lingers when it comes to topics associated with LGBT.
In short, the most obvious thing that makes the LGBT(Q) community stand out in the eyes of the general public is that they are different. They have different preferences and thought processes that may seem different from the “norm”.
But being different does not make anyone less human. Regardless of their mentality, their decisions and what they believe in, everyone has a right to their thoughts and feelings, no matter how different or unusual they may sound. And just because they stand up, loud and proud to acknowledge it, society penalise them for it? That hardly seems fair. If anything, the rest of the society should pick up these courageous traits and start speaking up for things they believe in, without fear of judgement. Be it from hobbies, career choices, right down to fashion sense. There are so many things that we prefer, but didn’t speak up for, for fear of being judged.

As years went, even they have progressed. Did you know that the Pride (Rainbow) Flag has been updated? From the previous six colours – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple – it now has black, brown, powder pink, powder blue and white. Coined as the Progress Flag, it serves to include other marginalised groups of people; people of colour, religion, ethnicities, gender preferences and more, all in the name to promote peace and union for everyone.
The rise of the Progress Flag amid the pandemic last year was largely due to the Black Lives Matter movement where thousands of people took to the streets to protest.
In my years as working in fashion, I have met sisters who were great mentors and a huge inspiration for me. They have articulated ideals and when work came, it was top notch and impeccable. Grooming wise, well needless to say, I have never ever seen any strand of hair or makeup out of place. But despite ticking all the boxes of a “model employee”, they have been publicly humiliated by the general public time and again, right in front of my own eyes. While I get exasperated, they simply just shrug it off by saying “oh well”. My respect and admiration for my sisters are unsurmountable and we are still great friends till today.
Other instances where I would meet customers, and they would ask me if I was okay to take their measurements. As a service provider, I find that statement odd. After assuring them that it is my duty to get the right measurements and that statement shouldn’t even exist in the first place, they shared that there were places that completely refused to provide any services for them because of who they chose to be. I can’t begin to imagine the trials and tribulations that they go through on a day-today basis.
My question is this; If the Pride Flag can evolve and progress to promote union and equality for all, shouldn’t the rest of the society be willing to do the same?
Stay You-niquely You, Stay Be-You-tiful ❤️
Elsie from Team Le Cuore
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